Hometown Heroes Membership
$30.00 4 Weekly by Billing
Signup Fee: $30.00
ATTN: At time of sign up, please text verification of your "hometown heroes" occupation by emailing a copy of an ID, nametag, etc to showcasestrengthandfitness@gmail.com OR text it to 941-661-8181
Hometown Heroes = Military/Police/Fire/Nurses/Teachers
Showcase Strength and Fitness:
The Hometown Heroes membership is $30 (billed every 4 weeks) and is post tax.
Privacy/Refund Policy:
*We respect your privacy and will not sell your information to anyone. All information (personal and financial) provided will be stored in our system for membership payments only.
*Refunds will only be given on a case by case basis. This includes and is not limited to billing errors. Members will NOT be refunded their monthly membership if they decide to cancel after their bill date. For example, if your bill date is the 1st and you decide to cancel your membership on the 2nd, that does not warrant a refund. In addition, members will not receive a refund for the reason of not using the facility. This is a membership service and not a day to day service.
Cancellation Policy:
*Members must give 7 days notice to cancel their membership. If a member cancels their membership less than 7 days before the bill date, they will have to make the final payment. Members must cancel via emailing showcasestrengthandfitness@gmail.com
Customer Service/Contact Information:
Phone Number: 941-661-8181
Email: showcasestrengthandfitness@gmail.com